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1146 : SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS a.date_evene, a.lieu_evene, a.dept_evene ,b.id_indi, b.sosa_dyn, b.nom, b.prenom1, b.prenom2, b.prenom3, b.sexe ,c.id_indi, c.sosa_dyn, c.nom, c.prenom1, c.prenom2, c.prenom3, c.sexe ,d.nom, d.prenom1, d.prenom2, d.prenom3 ,a.type_evene, a.anne_evene ,a.note_evene, e.id_sour ,long_evene ,lati_evene ,xpix_evene ,ypix_evene FROM got__evenement a INNER JOIN got__individu b ON a.id_indi = b.id_indi LEFT OUTER JOIN got__individu c ON b.id_pere = c.id_indi LEFT OUTER JOIN got__individu d ON b.id_mere = d.id_indi LEFT OUTER JOIN got__even_sour e ON a.id_indi = e.id_indi and a.type_evene = e.type_evene AND e.type_sourc = "SOUR" WHERE a.type_evene NOT IN ("NOTE","FILE","OCCU","CHAN","RFN","RIN") AND a.type_evene like "BIRT" AND b.sexe LIKE "_" AND b.sosa_dyn >= 0 AND CONCAT(IFNULL(LOWER(b.nom),""),IFNULL(LOWER(a.anne_evene),""),IFNULL(LOWER(a.lieu_evene),""),IFNULL(LOWER(a.dept_evene),""),IFNULL(LOWER(c.nom),""),IFNULL(LOWER(d.nom),""),IFNULL(LOWER(a.note_evene),"")) LIKE "%%" UNION ALL SELECT a.date_evene, max(a.lieu_evene), max(a.dept_evene) ,a.id_husb, max(b.sosa_dyn), max(b.nom), max(b.prenom1), max(b.prenom2), max(b.prenom3), max(b.sexe) ,a.id_wife, max(c.sosa_dyn), max(c.nom), max(c.prenom1), max(c.prenom2), max(c.prenom3), max(c.sexe) ,"", "", "", "" ,max(a.type_evene), max(a.anne_evene), max(a.note_evene) ,max(ifnull(e.id_sour,0)) ,MAX(long_evene) ,MAX(lati_evene) ,MAX(xpix_evene) ,MAX(ypix_evene) FROM got__evenement a LEFT OUTER JOIN got__individu b ON (a.id_husb = b.id_indi) LEFT OUTER JOIN got__individu c ON (a.id_wife = c.id_indi) LEFT OUTER JOIN got__even_sour e ON (a.id_husb = e.id_husb AND a.id_wife = e.id_wife and a.type_evene = e.type_evene) WHERE a.type_evene in ("MARR","MARZ","MARC","MARB","MARL","MARS","DIV","ENGA","ORDI","EVEN") AND a.type_evene like "BIRT" AND CONCAT(IFNULL(LOWER(b.nom),""),IFNULL(LOWER(c.nom),""),IFNULL(LOWER(a.anne_evene),""),IFNULL(LOWER(a.lieu_evene),""),IFNULL(LOWER(a.dept_evene),""),IFNULL(LOWER(a.note_evene),"")) LIKE "%%" AND (b.sosa_dyn >= 0 OR c.sosa_dyn >= 0) GROUP BY a.date_evene, a.id_husb, a.id_wife ORDER BY 6, 6 LIMIT 0,50
1146 : SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS DISTINCT a.lieu_evene, a.dept_evene,xpix_evene,ypix_evene,long_evene,lati_evene FROM got__evenement a INNER JOIN got__individu b ON a.id_indi = b.id_indi LEFT OUTER JOIN got__individu c ON b.id_pere = c.id_indi LEFT OUTER JOIN got__individu d ON b.id_mere = d.id_indi WHERE a.type_evene NOT IN ("NOTE","FILE","OCCU","CHAN","RFN","RIN") AND a.type_evene like "BIRT" AND b.sexe LIKE "_" AND b.sosa_dyn >= 0 AND CONCAT(IFNULL(LOWER(b.nom),""),IFNULL(LOWER(a.anne_evene),""),IFNULL(LOWER(a.lieu_evene),""),IFNULL(LOWER(a.dept_evene),""),IFNULL(LOWER(c.nom),""),IFNULL(LOWER(d.nom),""),IFNULL(LOWER(a.note_evene),"")) LIKE "%%" AND xpix_evene != 0 UNION SELECT DISTINCT a.lieu_evene, a.dept_evene, xpix_evene, ypix_evene,long_evene,lati_evene FROM got__evenement a LEFT OUTER JOIN got__individu b ON (a.id_husb = b.id_indi) LEFT OUTER JOIN got__individu c ON (a.id_wife = c.id_indi) WHERE a.type_evene in ("MARR","MARZ","MARC","MARB","MARL","MARS","DIV","ENGA","ORDI") AND a.type_evene like "BIRT" AND CONCAT(IFNULL(LOWER(b.nom),""),IFNULL(LOWER(c.nom),""),IFNULL(LOWER(a.anne_evene),""),IFNULL(LOWER(a.lieu_evene),""),IFNULL(LOWER(a.dept_evene),""),IFNULL(LOWER(a.note_evene),"")) LIKE "%%" AND (b.sosa_dyn >= 0 OR c.sosa_dyn >= 0) AND xpix_evene != 0 ORDER BY 2,1
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1146 : SELECT type_evene, COUNT(*) FROM got__evenement WHERE type_evene NOT IN ("NOTE","FILE","OCCU","CHAN","RFN","RIN") and type_evene != "" GROUP BY type_evene ORDER BY 2 DESC All0
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1146 : SELECT distinct SOSA_DYN FROM got__individu
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1064 : SELECT nom,prenom1,date_naiss,lieu_naiss,sexe FROM got__individu WHERE id_indi =
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