1064 : INSERT INTO got__desc_cles SELECT a.id_indi , case when b.id_wife is not NULL then b.id_wife when c.id_husb is not NULL then c.id_husb end , case when b.id_wife is not NULL then b.date_evene when c.id_husb is not NULL then c.date_evene end , case when b.id_wife is not NULL then b.lieu_evene when c.id_husb is not NULL then c.lieu_evene end , case when b.id_wife is not NULL then b.dept_evene when c.id_husb is not NULL then c.dept_evene end , a.id_indi ,if (a.id_indi != @old, 'O', 'N') ,@old := a.id_indi FROM got__individu a LEFT OUTER JOIN got__evenement b ON (a.id_indi = b.id_husb and b.type_evene = 'MARR') LEFT OUTER JOIN got__evenement c ON (a.id_indi = c.id_wife and c.type_evene = 'MARR') where a.id_indi = and if (a.id_indi != @old, 'O', 'N') = 'O'
1146 : SELECT a.id_indi ,b.nom ,b.prenom1 ,b.prenom2 ,b.prenom3 ,b.sexe ,b.profession ,b.date_naiss ,b.lieu_naiss ,b.dept_naiss ,b.date_deces ,b.lieu_deces ,b.dept_deces ,a.id_parent ,b.sosa_dyn ,a.id_conj ,a.date_maria ,a.lieu_maria ,a.dept_maria ,c.nom ,c.prenom1 ,c.prenom2 ,c.prenom3 ,c.sexe ,c.sosa_dyn ,b.tri FROM got__desc_cles a INNER JOIN got__individu b ON (a.id_indi = b.id_indi) LEFT OUTER JOIN got__individu c ON (a.id_conj = c.id_indi)